
Beautiful interior design in living room with white furniture and patterned green chairs

“Monique created a financial process and infrastructure for us that we have followed for 10+ years. It’s the backbone of our business, and it enables us to prioritize our clients and our profitability.”

Mary Knape, Knape and Zibell Interior Design; Denver, CO

Photography: Kimberly Gavin

Beautiful interior design in living room with white couch, purple club chairs and maroon patterned curtains

“Stasia is so quick and accurate, her work enables us to keep everything current. We are better able to assess our project profitability in real time. We can adapt our process and our approach to better serve our clients and increase our margins.”

Sandy Widlitz, Interiors by Donna Hoffman; Yardley, PA

Photography: David Van Scott Photography

Beautiful interior design in informal dining area with bench seating and green chairs

“Working with Monique is like having a second pair of hands. It allows me to set apart the creative process from the financial management of my business. My clients like knowing that I have an efficient, seamless system in place for both their project design and budget.”

Beth Armijo, Armijo Design Group; Denver, CO

Photography: Kimberly Gavin

Beautiful interior design in kitchen with blue cabinets and patterned chairs at island

“We couldn’t operate without Stemper & Associates. With their accounting and financial support, our clients not only trust our creativity and design skills, but they trust that we are managing their project budget and watching their bottom line. We are a more tightly run and profitable organization.”

Andrea Schumacher, Andrea Schumacher Interiors; Denver, CO

Photography: Emily Minton Redfield

Beautiful interior design in living room with blue armchairs and neutral accents

“Monique and her team at Stemper and Associates have streamlined our processes and improved our efficiency tremendously. They are true partners in our business, and they care about us, our bottomline and our clients.”

Vicky Serany – Southern Studio Interior Design; Cary, NC

Photography: Dustin Peck Photography

Beautiful interior design in kitchen with navy cabinets and gold finishings

“The level of professionalism I am able to provide my clients would not be possible without Monique. She has helped me manage my books to within a penny – they are ACCURATE. Her interface with my clients, particularly as it relates to collecting payment, improved my cash flow immediately.”

Kirsten Kaplan – Haus Interior Design; Greater Washington D.C. Area

Photography: Stacy Zarin Goldberg

Beautiful interior design in living room with red built-ins and patterned chairs

“Our monthly dashboard reviews are my most valuable tool for understanding where my business has been and where we are right now. That knowledge enables me to strategize for the future. It’s very exciting — and it wouldn’t be possible without Stasia!”

Annie Elliott, bossy color Interiors; Greater Washington D.C. Area

Photography: Angie Seckinger

Beautiful interior design in living room with symmetrical white couches and light blue accents

“I simply can’t manage 11 design projects and do the financials at the same time. Accuracy in my books is critical to the success, health and growth of my design business. Knowing that the numbers are aligned and that my books are tight not only gives me the freedom to focus on design, it also protects and enhances the strength of my business. Monique’s partnership makes this possible.”

Emilie Munroe, Studio Munroe, Inc.; San Francisco, CA

Photography: Thomas Kuoh

Beautiful interior design in kitchen with black cabinets and white marble countertops

“The financials of my business are in trustworthy and capable hands. With Monique and Stacie’s help, I am running a much tighter ship. They have helped me have a life, both creatively in my business and outside of my work.”

Beth McMillan, McMillan Interiors; Birmingham, AL

Photography: Graham Yelton

Beautiful interior design in open floor plan kitchen with island and teal chairs at wood dining table

“Working with Monique enables me to be more efficient in my business. She is trustworthy, accurate, honest, responsive and fast. I have more time with my clients, more time to design and more time to have a balanced life.”

Lane Oliver, Lane Elisabeth Oliver Interior Design; Denver, CO

Photography: Emily Minton Redfield

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